Saturday, March 29, 2008

a little piece of a glory box

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Monday, March 24, 2008


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A short film created for Uni.

Simon Streatfeild. Ryan Cassidy: Music

tools used:

Thursday, March 20, 2008


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Vincent Malloy is seven years old
He’s always polite and does what he’s told
For a boy his age, he’s considerate and nice
But he wants to be just like Vincent Price

He doesn’t mind living with his sister, dog and cats
Though he’d rather share a home with spiders and bats
There he could reflect on the horrors he’s invented
And wander dark hallways, alone and tormented

Vincent is nice when his aunt comes to see him
But imagines dipping her in wax for his wax museum

He likes to experiment on his dog Abercrombie
In the hopes of creating a horrible zombie
So he and his horrible zombie dog
Could go searching for victims in the London fog

His thoughts, though, aren’t only of ghoulish crimes
He likes to paint and read to pass some of the times
While other kids read books like Go, Jane, Go!
Vincent’s favourite author is Edgar Allen Poe

One night, while reading a gruesome tale
He read a passage that made him turn pale

Such horrible news he could not survive
For his beautiful wife had been buried alive!
He dug out her grave to make sure she was dead
Unaware that her grave was his mother’s flower bed

His mother sent Vincent off to his room
He knew he’d been banished to the tower of doom
Where he was sentenced to spend the rest of his life
Alone with the portrait of his beautiful wife

While alone and insane encased in his tomb
Vincent’s mother burst suddenly into the room
She said: “If you want to, you can go out and play
It’s sunny outside, and a beautiful day”

Vincent tried to talk, but he just couldn’t speak
The years of isolation had made him quite weak
So he took out some paper and scrawled with a pen:
“I am possessed by this house, and can never leave it again”
His mother said: “You’re not possessed, and you’re not almost dead
These games that you play are all in your head
You’re not Vincent Price, you’re Vincent Malloy
You’re not tormented or insane, you’re just a young boy
You’re seven years old and you are my son
I want you to get outside and have some real fun.

”Her anger now spent, she walked out through the hall
And while Vincent backed slowly against the wall
The room started to swell, to shiver and creak
His horrid insanity had reached its peak

He saw Abercrombie, his zombie slave
And heard his wife call from beyond the grave
She spoke from her coffin and made ghoulish demands
While, through cracking walls, reached skeleton hands

Every horror in his life that had crept through his dreams
Swept his mad laughter to terrified screams!
To escape the madness, he reached for the door
But fell limp and lifeless down on the floor

His voice was soft and very slow
As he quoted The Raven from Edgar Allen Poe:

“and my soul from out that shadow
that lies floating on the floor
shall be lifted?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bedhead (Short Film by Robert Rodriguez) VS Tetsuo: The Iron Man Shinya Tsukamoto

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Este filme é um daqueles que me arrepia a ponta dos meus pelinhos all over my body!!! Este filme faz-me lembrar o Tetsuo The Iron Man não sei bem porquê.... será que o senhor Rodriguez se baseou no Tetsuo: The Iron Man do Shinya Tsukamoto?
Não Sei....
Descubra você as diferenças.


Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Self-Portrait With Feet and Head by Nuno Rebelo + Cut Up #1

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Bem... aqui estou eu mais uma vez, sempre sem vontade nenhuma de postar seja o q for depois de me terem apagado o blog... digamos que ainda estou a fazer birrinha... Mas... quando encontro videos viscosos cheios de videodromisses frivulas e serenas como eu tanto gosto... penso duas vezes, bato palminhas, dou uma cambalhota e posto um videozito fiérico. Deixo-vos aqui um grande fazedor de artes visuais português de nome Nuno Rebelo, quem eu já acompanho à algum tempo, digamos que é amiguinho do senhor Edgar Escorpião Pêra, para acompanhar este video vou deixar-vos umas palavras criadas por mim quando era mais novito, cheias de negritude gratuita e paneleirisses literárias.
Enjoy or else.... G. F. Y. S.

Cut Up #1

I'm You
We see us so happy but the expirience of this last play ground i've been...
All that as shown me  things that i could never ever imagine
some day! I need to tell you that, pretty love is gone,
happyness will end when i come back to that awfull place i've been.
Around that things i've allways loved and never could do!
I Know All This for all Eternity!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Viva la muerte (1971) Fernando Arrabal

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Bem em vez de meter os videos como o tio barbichas fomoiretico, vou apenas dizer o que senti ao ver este filme:

Era de noite e estava suado da foda. Nada como relaxar completamente esvaziado. Comecei a encher a barriga com aperitivos. Peguei na cabra imunda e observei-a a lavar a cona no bid'e, segurava uma garrafa johnny walker numa mao enquanto o fazia, no canto da boca jazia um cigarro quase-morto. Fechei-me no quarto dos filmes, trancando-me. O cinema surrealista bateu-me forte e feio quando vi o ''Pig'' do Roz Williams, e este vinha cheio de promessas. Durante o filme estalei as costas 3 vezes, e mostrei os dentes ao ecran quando vi uma crianca a ser benzida com esparguete cozido. Sentei-me no parapeito da janela e pensei no almoco de domingo. Vomitei em p'e pestanejando. A puta de merda entregou o marido aos nazis. Debrucei-me sobre a banheira cheia de cactos. Olhei pelo buraco da fechadura, ela tinha ido comprar chapeus de chuva. 7 minutos depois vi a nojenta a untar-se em sangue bovino e o marido dentro do interior da vaca a gritar, desportos nauticos de outono em cascais portanto.

Foi assim que aconteceu. Benzi-me at'e 'a gasosa suada.

Fiz este desenho depois:

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Long live the new-new flesh.


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Full Movie!!!

Clive Barker's HellRaiser

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Tenho visto isto... o que me agradou bastante, encheu-me mesmo as medidas, tem "monstros" tem "carnes molinhas" e muita muita "viscosidade"! Adorei, tanto o I como o II o Clive Barker é um génio do terror, não fosse ele amiguinho do David Cronenberg, até o podemos ver no papel dum doctor um pouco não convencional no filme Night Breed que também está num dos meus filmes favoritos deste género . Vou deixar aqui uns videos do HellRaiser e do Night Breed. Espero que gostem das viscosidades tanto como eu.

HellRaiser I Trailer

HellRaiser I Cool Scene ;)

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Abel Ferrara vs Charles Bukowski

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Interview with Abel Ferrara

This interview was apparently conducted sometime in 1993 since Ferrara, the director of such films as 'Bad Lieutenant' and 'King of New York', mentions his most recent film being 'Body Snatchers'. On this interview, he talks mostly about 'Bad Lieutenant'.

Oh, in case you are wondering about the aprubt ending - I had to cut it down a bit due to video length restrictions, but you aren't missing anything important.

Charles Bukowski Interview by Martin Coenen Clip